Workers 18 and over have a right to a minute break where the working day is longer than six hours, also, a rest period of 11 consecutive hours between each working day, (unless working on a shift pattern) and a 24 hour rest period in each seven days For nightworkers, the average daily hours of work are 8, averaged over a 17week periodAnswered by a verified Employment Lawyer We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our websiteAn employer who made you work until noon one day, for example, and then report back at noon the next day, could not call that 24 hours off a day of rest The law presumes that Sunday will be the one rest day in seven Employees who must work Sundays must be told that ahead of time and told what their rest day during the week will be

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Is working 13 days in a row illegal
Is working 13 days in a row illegal- · 1 ANSWER An employer can required its employees to work 7 days a week all of the time or for a short period of time when necessary However, after 40 hours in a single week, the employer must pay overtime (time and a half) to nonexempt employees (usually hourly employees)Therefore, it includes seven consecutive 24hour periods

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· This section of the code clarifies that employees must not necessarily take a day off in a seven day period, as long as the rest days are provided for during the same calendar month For example, if an employer "reasonably requires" the employee to work for 21 consecutive days in a row, this is permissible as long as the employer subsequently provides for the three missed days · If you are working on the seventh day out of seven days, you must be paid overtime for that seventh day An exception to this is if you do not work more than 30 hours in a week or six hours in any one day during the week Moreover, if you work seven consecutive workdays (meaning seven days in a row) in a workweek, your employer must pay you time and onehalf the regular rate of pay for the first eight hours you work7 Days in a Row Your Right to Time and a Half for the Seventh Day of Work in a Workweek It is important to note that a workweek begins on the same day each week;
An employee must have at least 32 hours in a row free from work each week If an employee works during this period (eg because of an emergency), they must be paid extra pay An employee must also have at least eight hours off between shifts If an employee works during this period, the hours are added to other hours worked in the day · Certain jobs in the oil and gas industry require that persons work in rotational shifts of 28 days That means being on site for 28 days and taking a break for the next 28 days Offshore drilling jobs are a classic example This type of work routine has its advantages but also several drawbacks We · Further, an employer in New York must allow two days of rest in each calendar month to signalmen, towermen or gatemen who work eight hours or more per day, unless such signalmen, towermen or gatemen are engaged in interstate commerce NY Labor Law § 166(4), 166(5)
As a result of the ECJ's decision, an employer in the UK could, technically, require an employee to work for 24 consecutive days, provided the other entitlements set out in the WTD are satisfied The case, was, however, concerned with the WTD, not the WTR, and any requirement to work 24 consecutive days could be open to challengeSo, if you work for 15 days in a row, you have to get two days off in that calendar month in addition to not being required to work consecutively for more than 6 days If you are working on the seventh day out of seven days, you must be paid overtime for that seventh day An exception to this is if you do not work more than 30 hours in a week · Is it legal to force an hourly employee to work 13 days in a row without a day off?

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· The way the work week works at my job is Sunday to Saturday, probably the same for most retail jobs anyways, but yeah this is probably me moaning over something that happens all the time, although I don't personally know anybody that has done it yet, but I have just found out I will be working 7 days in a row starting from Thursday, like most jobs I get 2 days off per week, so I · Many WA awards require penalty rates to be paid for specified working days or times Penalty rates are higher rates of pay that apply when an employee works hours that are inside the span of hours set by the relevant WA award but have a penalty rate applied to them, such as on Sundays or public holidays For example, the Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale andJust wondering if there are some rules out there as to how many days you can actually work For eg is it legal to have employees work 12 days in a row Say you do your normal week (Monday to Friday) then the company want you to work the weekend and want you straight back to work on the Monday?

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· Often, I will work double shifts or just 8 hour 3rd shift for overtime I may end up working 812 days in a row or more if I am mandated to work more 0 Likes ED Nurse, RN Specializes in Emergency Medicine Has 9 years experience Jan 30, 16 You'd only beWork the same way, every day It's THAT easy Seadogg #2 Posted Tuesday, January 12, 16 PM(UTC) Rank Senior Member Groups Registered Joined 10/31/13(UTC) Posts 1,954 Thanks 39So if you do 9530 MF ordinarily that's a 375 hour week, and over a four month period adding in the eight additional days for the weekends, then you have a total amount of time worked of 375*13 and 525 * 4 which totals up to = 6975 hours which averages out over that time as an average of 4102 hours so well below the 48

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· Rather, they are entitled to one day off for every six days they work in the same calendar month To be sure, if an employer "reasonably requires" someone to work for 21 days in a row, he or she is allowed to do so as long as he or she gives the employee three days off at some time throughout the month Exceptions to the RuleMinimum Number of Hours of Work/Day Most areas of employment – 3 hours/day worked School bus drivers – 2 hours/day worked Workers aged 12, 13 or 14 – 2 hours/day worked on school days Parttime employees in certain notforprofit recreation or athletic programs – 2 hours/day worked · Try working 90 days straight with 12 hour days There are few valid or enforceable rules these days as to how many days or hours you can work most of it comes under todays duty of care laws, if you dont think you can work the long hours or days demanded just tel your boss under duty of care that you need a day or 2 off, that'll go down well

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· What I learned from exercising 100 days in a row It actually takes less discipline As I write this, I'm on about day number 125 What is so interesting to me is that when I tried to commit to exercising 45 days a week, It was much harder on any given day to make myself exercise · I've been working out 4 days in a row and taking 3 days off I alternate between deep and shallow water aerobics The first day, I felt pretty good The second day, I felt a nice burn but still pretty good The third day, my arms started feeling like spaghetti noodles and I could barely submerge the weightsIt's 5 am to 630pm, 3 days in a row, with 4 days off On one hand, that would give me a bunch of time to enjoy hobbies, family, traveling, etc However, 135 hours is

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